
Anti-Theft Protection

What is it?

It is a system added to your Vehicle to prevent unrecovered theft.


What Does it do?

In the event of a theft during the coverage period, it will assist in the recovery of the Vehicle or stolen components.

Can I buy it later?

You can purchase an Anti-theft System at any time during your ownership. You can also purchase protection for other Vehicles you own. Please see your seller for details.

Is Anti-Theft Protection Insurance?

It is not insurance, in most states, it will pay a fixed benefit of up to $5,000 in the event of an unrecovered total loss theft. Please see your contract for details.

Am I required to buy Anti-Theft Protection?

NO! It is not a requirement to purchase any additional products in order to secure a loan or purchase with our partners.

Is it transferrable?

Yes you can! Please call us at the number on your contract for assistance transferring your contract.

Is it Cancellable?

No. Since the system is permanently installed, once installed and activated, the theft protection is in force.

What types of Anti-Theft Protection Systems are available?

We provide multiple types of Anti-Theft Systems:

Anti-Theft Label systems are applied to multiple locations on your Vehicle. Each label has a UV code that remains even if the label itself has been removed.

GPS Systems provide protection in two different modes

GPS Option One is a wireless, self-contained battery system that gives a twice daily location. Should your unit be stolen, you may activate the Stolen Vehicle Recovery (SVR) mode via an application or by calling us. We will coordinate with local law enforcement to recover your stolen machine or equipment.

GPS Option Two is powered by a low voltage wired connection to the machine and an internal battery. It can provide SVR plus additional services on demand, such as low battery alerts, geo- fencing, and other connected services.

In some cases, the dealership has an option of combining the labeling system with GPS for a layered approach. Please ask your seller about which options are available to best give you peace of mind knowing your Vehicle is protected from theft.